Saturday, October 4, 2008


The latest salvo from the McCain-Palin camp just demonstrates how desperate they are. Palin accuses Barack Obama of palling around with terrorists. Can the political scene in America get any more absurd? Obama responds that he was 8-years old when the fellow he served on a board with (as an adult) was a radical Weatherman. I'm sure the Dems, as clever as they are, won't be looking into what dirty deeds Sarah Palin or John McCain were into when they were 8.

I am almost embarrassed to say today that there was a time when I actually had some respect for John McCain. Whatever once existed is now gone forever. There are many, many women involved in politics for whom I have great respect, but the selection of Sarah Palin was ill-conceived political theater. I am not the least bit surprised that it is now backfiring on them. As the pundits have said, expectations were so LOW for her in the debate that if she didn't crumble into giggles and tears it would have been judged a "success". But she just kept repeating sections of her stump speech, and as one Republican said, answering the questions she asked herself.

But McCain-Palin has an essential problem. They keep acting like they have something to say, but in fact all they are doing is PRETENDING they do. They promise change, but their platform is more of the same. They claim to be mavericks, while reciting the same of Republican saws against regulation and big government that have been used to persuade the voting public in the past that Republicans have something to offer them.

In fact, Republicans, for many years now, have only had the interests of their super-rich donors and mega-corporations in their sites, and the rest of us could have stagnating income, high taxes, and environmental degradation and as part of the leftovers of what they were doing. Not to mention a ridiculous and immensely expensive war against a country that never threatened us, had no WMD's, and was NOT a supporter of Al Queda. Oh yes, and the current economic crisis that was completely the result of an ABSENCE of regulation.

It's high time that we had a Democratic president get in there and start to clean up this mess. And the more Democrats we send to Congress to support him the better.

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